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F.A.M.I.L.Y Poetically Defined, a collection of short stories was written by Tiena Prater. This collection of flash fiction stories is presented by storytelling through everyday scenarios with emphasis on freedom. 

ALMOST, starts right in the center of the action. Siblings sneak into an art museum to swipe a couple of expensive paintings for a buyer's request. They encounter multiple obstacles during their attempt to get in and out without being seen. 

SEE YOU SOON, is a continuation of ALMOST, and takes place after the events of ALMOST. Siblings wait for news that their other sibling will be okay. While they wait, two of the siblings have a conversation and disagreement over the events that will take place next for them and finally come to an agreement.

SIlENT CRIES, may not be what it appears to be. James is waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble sleeping due to the loud crying. James tries desperately to go back to sleep, ignore the crying, and find alternative methods to cope. Not being able to cope, he heads to the neighbors house to find the source of the crying and to get a resolution. 

and more!

F.A.M.I.L.Y Poetically Defined

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